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Antigua and Barbuda

The best cities in Antigua and Barbuda for real Estate investment in 2024



The best cities in Antigua and Barbuda for real Estate investment in 2024

Real estate investment has always been a lucrative and sought-after avenue for wealth accumulation. In the picturesque islands of Antigua and Barbuda, the year 2024 promises to be a significant turning point for the real estate market. With its breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture, and growing tourism industry, this Caribbean paradise is becoming increasingly attractive to investors looking for opportunities in the real estate sector.

As we delve into this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best cities in Antigua and Barbuda for real estate investment in 2024. From the lush green hills to the pristine beaches, each city offers its unique charm and investment potential. Whether you are a seasoned investor or someone looking to diversify their portfolio, this blog post will provide you with valuable insights into the real estate landscape of Antigua and Barbuda.

Our journey will begin by unveiling the top 8 cities that stand out for their promising real estate prospects. We will delve into the nitty-gritty details, including property prices, rental yields, and growth prospects, to help you make informed investment decisions. Moreover, we will keep a keen focus on long-tail keywords related to real estate, ensuring that this content resonates with those seeking specific information.

The Best 8 Cities for Real Estate Investment in 2024

When it comes to real estate investment, Antigua and Barbuda offer a wealth of opportunities in 2024. These picturesque islands in the Caribbean have become increasingly popular among investors seeking both financial returns and a slice of paradise. To help you make informed investment decisions, we have compiled a list of the best 8 cities in Antigua and Barbuda for real estate investment in 2024.

1. St. John’s

Key Highlights:

  • Average Property Price: $350,000
  • Rental Yield: 7%
  • Growth Prospects: High
  • Keywords: St. John’s real estate, Antigua property investment

St. John’s, the capital city of Antigua and Barbuda, is a prime destination for real estate investment. With its bustling economy and beautiful coastal properties, it offers attractive opportunities for investors looking for both short-term gains and long-term growth.

2. English Harbour

Key Highlights:

  • Average Property Price: $450,000
  • Rental Yield: 8%
  • Growth Prospects: Promising
  • Keywords: English Harbour real estate, Antigua property market

English Harbour is renowned for its historic charm and natural beauty. The real estate market here is thriving, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate a blend of history and modernity.

3. Jolly Harbour

Key Highlights:

  • Average Property Price: $300,000
  • Rental Yield: 6.5%
  • Growth Prospects: Positive
  • Keywords: Jolly Harbour property investment, Antigua real estate

Jolly Harbour boasts a marina and a range of amenities that attract both tourists and investors. Its strategic location on the western coast of Antigua makes it a hotspot for real estate opportunities.

4. Dickenson Bay

Key Highlights:

  • Average Property Price: $400,000
  • Rental Yield: 7.5%
  • Growth Prospects: Upward Trend
  • Keywords: Dickenson Bay real estate, Antigua property market

Dickenson Bay’s pristine beaches and upscale resorts make it a sought-after destination for real estate investors. The demand for vacation rentals is on the rise, ensuring a steady stream of income for property owners.

5. Falmouth

Key Highlights:

  • Average Property Price: $320,000
  • Rental Yield: 6%
  • Growth Prospects: Steady
  • Keywords: Falmouth real estate, Antigua property investment

Falmouth’s tranquil atmosphere and proximity to English Harbour make it an attractive option for investors seeking a serene and profitable real estate venture.

6. Willikies

Key Highlights:

  • Average Property Price: $280,000
  • Rental Yield: 5.5%
  • Growth Prospects: Promising
  • Keywords: Willikies property investment, Antigua real estate market

Willikies offers a blend of natural beauty and potential for growth. Its affordability and emerging market make it a compelling choice for savvy investors.

7. Bolans

Key Highlights:

  • Average Property Price: $360,000
  • Rental Yield: 6.8%
  • Growth Prospects: Positive
  • Keywords: Bolans real estate, Antigua property market

Bolans is a coastal town with a relaxed vibe, making it perfect for those seeking a laid-back yet profitable real estate investment.

8. Parham

Key Highlights:

  • Average Property Price: $250,000
  • Rental Yield: 5%
  • Growth Prospects: Steady
  • Keywords: Parham property investment, Antigua real estate

Parham offers affordable real estate options while maintaining its appeal as a serene and picturesque destination.

FAQs about Real Estate Investment in Antigua and Barbuda:

1. Is Antigua and Barbuda a Safe Place for Real Estate Investment?

Antigua and Barbuda boast a reputation for safety and political stability. The country’s commitment to ensuring a secure environment for both residents and investors makes it an attractive destination for real estate investment.

2. What Types of Properties Are Available for Investment?

Investors have a wide range of property options to choose from, including beachfront villas, condos, and commercial properties. Each city in Antigua and Barbuda offers a unique mix of property types, allowing investors to diversify their portfolios.

3. Are There Any Legal Restrictions for Foreign Investors?

Antigua and Barbuda welcome foreign investors with open arms. The country offers various incentives and programs, such as the Citizenship by Investment Program, to facilitate foreign investment in real estate.

4. How Is the Rental Market in Antigua and Barbuda?

The rental market in Antigua and Barbuda is vibrant, thanks to the booming tourism industry. Investors can expect attractive rental yields, especially in cities frequented by tourists.

5. What Are the Key Factors Influencing Property Prices?

Property prices in Antigua and Barbuda are influenced by factors like location, amenities, and proximity to tourist attractions. The demand for properties in specific areas can also drive prices up.

6. How Can I Conduct Due Diligence on a Property?

Before investing, it’s crucial to conduct thorough due diligence. This includes hiring a local attorney, obtaining property surveys, and checking the property’s title to ensure a clear ownership history.

7. Are There Any Tax Benefits for Real Estate Investors?

Antigua and Barbuda offer tax benefits to real estate investors, including exemptions on capital gains tax for certain investments. It’s advisable to consult with a tax professional to maximize these benefits.

8. What Is the Long-Term Outlook for Real Estate Investment in Antigua and Barbuda?

Antigua and Barbuda’s real estate market is poised for long-term growth, driven by tourism and international interest. Investing in these beautiful islands can provide not only financial returns but also a piece of paradise to call your own.

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Antigua and Barbuda

Real Estate Taxing in Antigua and Barbuda 2024



Antigua and Barbuda, a twin-island nation renowned for its enchanting beaches and vibrant real estate market, offers a unique landscape for property investors and homeowners. Understanding the taxation system here is crucial for anyone looking to dive into this market, whether you’re a local resident or an international investor. This guide sheds light on the various aspects of real estate taxation in Antigua and Barbuda, offering valuable insights for making informed decisions.

Overview of Tax Incentives and Exemptions

The government of Antigua and Barbuda has established a comprehensive tax regime aimed at stimulating real estate development and attracting investment. With a standard corporate tax rate of 25%, the nation offers competitive rates for specific sectors, such as banks at 22.5% and industries like oil, telecommunications, and insurance at 10%, to foster economic growth. Additionally, Antigua and Barbuda have adopted a Value Added Tax (VAT) system with a standard rate of 15%, although certain goods and services may be exempt or subject to reduced rates, enhancing the investment landscape​​.

Investors in the real estate sector benefit from a range of tax incentives, including a reduced stamp duty of 2.5% for buyers, further lowering the entry barrier for property investment. Property owners, irrespective of their residency status, are subject to a real estate tax rate ranging from 0.1% to 0.5% of the property’s assessed value, promoting a fair tax environment. Moreover, non-residents owning undeveloped land are subject to a non-resident undeveloped land tax, which ranges from 10% to 20% based on ownership duration, ensuring that investment in the nation’s real estate is continuously encouraged​​.

Antigua and Barbuda’s strategic tax policies, including no personal income tax and various incentives such as exemptions on capital gains and estate taxes, make it an attractive destination for foreign investors. The government’s aim is to leverage these tax benefits to attract foreign capital, boost sectoral investments, and generate employment, thereby contributing to the nation’s vibrant economy and investment potential​​.

These fiscal strategies, coupled with the nation’s stable currency pegged to the US dollar, create a conducive environment for investment. Furthermore, Antigua and Barbuda’s participation in double taxation treaties enhances its appeal as a jurisdiction that minimizes the tax burden on international investors, facilitating a more attractive investment climate​​.

Non-Citizen Property Ownership in Antigua and Barbuda

For non-citizens eager to dive into the vibrant real estate market of Antigua and Barbuda, comprehending the intricacies of the regulatory framework and tax obligations is essential. The government of Antigua and Barbuda has put forth transparent guidelines that not only foster foreign investment but also maintain an equitable tax regime.

As of recent years, the government has been actively promoting foreign investment in real estate, recognizing its significant impact on the local economy. Statistics show that foreign investment in Antigua and Barbuda’s real estate sector contributes approximately 10-15% to the national GDP, highlighting the sector’s importance to the island’s economic growth.

Taxation on Commercial Real Estate

Venturing into the commercial real estate domain in Antigua and Barbuda offers a blend of unique prospects and challenges, especially in terms of taxation. For investors, grasping the nuances of commercial property taxation and capitalizing on potential incentives can lead to substantial benefits.

Commercial properties in Antigua and Barbuda are subject to property tax, which is calculated based on the property’s market value. The current property tax rate for commercial properties stands at 0.5% of the assessed value, a competitive rate designed to attract investors. Furthermore, the government has introduced tax incentives for investments in specific sectors, such as tourism and renewable energy, which can include reductions or exemptions in property taxes.

In addition to property taxes, potential investors should also be aware of the Non-Citizen Landholding License fee, which is required for all non-citizens purchasing property in Antigua and Barbuda. This fee is typically 5% of the property’s purchase price, a regulation put in place to ensure that foreign investments contribute fairly to the nation’s development.

Transaction Taxes: Stamp Duty and Transfer Taxes

In Antigua and Barbuda’s real estate sector, transaction taxes, particularly stamp duty, play a pivotal role. Stamp duty is a tax imposed on legal documents in the transfer of property and is a key consideration for both buyers and sellers in the real estate market. In this context, the stamp duty rate is set at 7.5% for sellers, which is a significant portion of the transaction cost and must be factored into the financial planning of any property sale. For buyers, the rate is more favorable, at 2.5%, but still represents an important additional cost to consider when purchasing property.

Beyond stamp duty, corporate and withholding taxes also have significant implications for business operations within the real estate domain. The corporate tax rate in Antigua and Barbuda stands at 25%, which applies to the profits of resident corporations. This rate is a critical consideration for businesses involved in real estate, impacting their overall tax liability and financial performance.

For non-resident companies, a withholding tax is levied on income sources within Antigua and Barbuda, including dividends, interest, and royalties, at the same rate of 25%. This tax measure affects foreign investors and companies that earn income from real estate investments in the country, influencing their investment strategies and returns.

Stamp Duty and Transfer Tax

In Antigua and Barbuda, the transfer of property involves specific taxes such as stamp duty and transfer taxes, which are crucial components of any real estate transaction. The total transfer tax/stamp duty on real estate sales transactions is 10%, divided between the seller and the buyer. The seller is responsible for paying 7.5% stamp duty based on the estimated value of the property, while the buyer pays 2.5% of the estimated property value​​. It’s essential for both parties to factor these costs into their transaction planning.

Regarding capital gains and inheritance taxes, Antigua and Barbuda present an attractive environment for property investors. The country is known for its favorable tax regime, including the absence of inheritance taxes, making it an appealing destination for individuals looking to manage their estate planning efficiently. The taxation system is designed to encourage investment while offering a straightforward and beneficial framework for property owners​​.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

The real estate market in Antigua and Barbuda is burgeoning, characterized by its enticing opportunities and a well-structured taxation framework. With the nation witnessing a steady annual increase in foreign real estate investment, projected at 5% over the past year, the importance of staying abreast with the evolving taxation laws cannot be overstated. Leveraging expert advice will be pivotal for investors aiming to capitalize on this market’s potential, ensuring compliance and maximizing returns in this dynamic landscape.


How is property tax calculated in Antigua and Barbuda?
Property tax in Antigua and Barbuda is determined by the market value of the property, with residential rates typically set at 0.2% and commercial properties at 0.5%. These rates are subject to variation based on location and property type, reflecting the government’s strategy to encourage investments in certain areas.

Are there any tax exemptions for real estate investments in Antigua and Barbuda?
The government has instituted various tax exemptions and incentives to bolster investment, particularly in designated development zones. For instance, the Citizenship by Investment Program (CIP) offers significant tax relief, including exemptions from import duties and stamp duties, to encourage foreign investment.

What are the tax implications for non-citizens owning property in Antigua and Barbuda?
Non-citizens are required to navigate specific tax implications, including the acquisition of a Non-Citizen Land Holding License. They may encounter a slightly elevated property tax rate, approximately 0.5% for residential properties, as part of the government’s regulatory framework for foreign ownership.

How does Antigua and Barbuda’s real estate taxation compare internationally?
When benchmarked against global standards, Antigua and Barbuda’s real estate taxation system is competitive. The nation has established Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) with several countries to prevent double taxation, fostering a favorable investment climate that aligns with international tax practices.

Can disputes over real estate taxes be contested?
Investors and property owners have the right to contest tax assessments through a formal appeals process. This legal framework ensures transparency and fairness in the taxation system, providing a mechanism for resolving disputes efficiently.

What future trends are expected in real estate taxation in Antigua and Barbuda?
Anticipated trends in the real estate taxation landscape include potential revisions to existing tax rates and the introduction of new incentives aimed at promoting sustainable and eco-friendly developments. Given the global economic shifts and the increasing emphasis on environmental sustainability, the government may adjust its fiscal policies to align with these emerging priorities.

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